Sunday, January 24, 2010

disconnectedly connected

Recently my mom sent me an article about undivided attention vs. on-line attention (especially as it pertains to parenting and the younger generations). Shortly thereafter I had some experiences both online and off that were reflective of the points made in the article.

The thing is I will admit to being a bit of a computer junkie, with a focus on being on-line: Flickr, Facebook, Blogging, emailing, news, woot, chatting. Interestingly enough, two of the people I do connect with through the aforementioned mechanisms is my mother (she did email me an article I am blogging about), as well as my daughter (Facebook a little, email, chat some, blogging occasionally). I started to worry about my ability to connect with others and listen to them... and consciously listen...

In the past week on several occasions during my bus commute I was sitting next to someone who by all appearances wouldn't have much of anything in common with me... but in fact after engaging with them I inevitably found something we could both understand: an emotion, a place, a perception. And these commonalities weren't just your average everyday sort of commonalities, but themes that have run deep through out my life. It was fulfilling, and serendipitous to say the least.
Concurrently there have been some instances where someone thought we had a connection and we don't, both on-line and off. These moments were fraught with anxiety.

I think I've processed the uncomfortable moments and made peace with them; but those moments that were good, and powerful... those are the connections I am going to continue to plug into: on-line and off.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

six months in....

I can say there are some things I may have done differently if I had been given the choice; but everything happens for a reason.

I would have gladly gone without the last three months professionaly; but it is what it is and I will acknowledge I learned a thing or two through that experience. Now though, I am going to get back on track and begin the business of doing what I said I wanted to do; working back at the University of Pittsburgh will help out with that.

I would not change where we live, I am still happy with our living quarters. Other than no garage, it's durn near perfect. for now anyways. I am looking forward to spring... I am pretty sure there will be lots of chirping in the trees all around.

HFG continues to do as well if not better then any 14 1/2 yr. old I've ever known; who was ripped from their life and everything they've mostly ever known.

The huz is who he always is... the rock; with mad skillz in the kitchen. Thank heavens for him.

The dog still loves the yard, and is happy as ever.

As much as I am trying to be in the moment, I admit to wondering what the next six months will be like.... and where we will be on the one year anniversary of arriving home.

Monday, January 11, 2010


“A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.” William Shedd