Thursday, January 10, 2013

BECAUSE Ka'Sandra Wade can not.

  • Because 17 + years ago I was physically assaulted by my (ex and not worth naming) domestic partner. 
  • Because possibly the only reason that night didn't have the same ending as Ka'Sandra's was that the upstairs neighbor called 911 and banged on the outside door to tell us so.
  • Because so many know his name, but I only know him as the "football player who killed his girlfriend", btw HER NAME is KASANDRA M. PERKINS. 
  • Because they were both mothers and I am a mother. 
  • Because domestic violence should not be tolerated in any place of society. It doesn't matter if you are a woman, a man, a child, gay, straight, white, black, below the poverty level  or high above it, old or young - you should get to feel safe inside your own place of residence.  


  1. I've looked everywhere but can't seem to find the connection...why is most of this media of her death coming from lesbian sites? I first came across it on a Pittsburgh lesbian site and have yet to see anywhere that references her to the gay community.
    With that being said, I'm glad she is getting honored/remembered versus all media being about the killer.

    1. For the purpose of the Pgh Cyber Vigil - it was started by Sue Kerr, who is a lesbian, has an LGBT blog and was the impetus for the Pgh Cyber Vigil (she also is the Administrator of the Pittsburgh Women’s Blogging Society, of which I am a part).

      I am straight and married to a man, but I am a woman blogging in Pittsburgh. I am also a survivor of domestic violence. I do know there has been some coverage in the Post Gazette.
